Tag Archives: Prime Russian Magazine

Alternative Russian Print

IMG_0394“Prime Russian Magazine” had a number of great articles. It was free at the airport. The cover statement reads, “we have already entered a world beyond the future…”

IMG_0397“Ongoing poverty is a question for economic law makers.” This article is an interview with Mark Davis, a Berkley professor.

IMG_0395“Economic growth is the widening of opportunities for self-realization.” An interview with a professor at Moscow State University, Russia’s most prestigious academic institution.

IMG_0385“Vegetarian” is a self-explanatory, free magazine published in Russian. Some dedicated readers took its banner to the top of a Russian mountain range.

IMG_0415     A vegetarian couple featured in “Vegetarian.”

IMG_0421“Back to the Future,” proposes that newly imposed sanctions are just another reason to invest in domestic agricultural production.

IMG_0426“Take what you need,” was hanging in the visa office. Options include courage, strength, passion, determination, dreams, patience, honesty, tenderness, etc…