Tag Archives: Vermont

Home At Last: No Running Water, Electricity and Heating With Wood, In The Winter

As sporadic warm days grace these months, I am beginning to reflect on the miracle of living so happily with so little this winter.


The entryway leads into the kitchen. The cabinets were made by Tristan’s father.


This bench was made for Julia’s father. Tristan’s father made this table.


Most people ask, “how do you shower?”


The living area open up to the left of the kitchen. My closet fits remarkably underneath the stairs.


A photograph of my grandfather on the way.


I got the sun sarong in 2007 when I was studying in Costa Rica. A bit ironic that it is still my sun in the depths of Vermont’s winter.


The wood stove and a dress from Russia I bought at a thrift-store in Rutland.


The upstairs loft.


And bathroom.


A Busy Winter, And Preparing For It

The cabin I moved into on September 16 was…uninsulated.      Here’s how we got it ready for the winter. We started in the upstairs loft and brought in all tools and materials via the large window, which now simply offers a wonderful view.


The next step was to insulate between the studs. Given that the cabin was made by loving but not so experienced hands, each piece was cut into random dimensions, 13×15, 12.5×16 etc…But we did it! Many thanks to Tim, Alexis and Tristan!


We wasted no time to sheetrock and mud the walls. I will never forget Tim and I trying to balance the sheetrock on our heads as we pressed it up the angled ceiling and tried to screw it in with free hands. It didn’t work. We needed a third person but once it was done, it was beautiful! Again, lots of random sized sheets for the odd angles and studs. Going over the seams with liquid cement was the next step. The hardest part was cleaning it off the floors when it splattered and moisturizing my hands non-stop during the weeks it was worked on.


And at last, I plastered! At first, I hard to concentrate so hard to get the right coating on that I couldn’t even..talk! No, really. I love the color, it reminds me of adobe.


A similar process went on downstairs.


Meanwhile, back on the farm, Milky Way and Brownie were working on a project all their own…working down that hay pile.


I almost forgot about the window trim! What an easy thing to take for granted. Tristan’s father was instrumental in cutting the trim and giving us a few pointers during installation. I dubbed the pneumatic hammer “the pressurizer.”


Trimming really pulled the place together.


Friends helped put in the final pieces by headlamp light. Thank you Sarah and Marshall!


Down South: Views from the Glastenbury Fire Tower

DPP_1001Mt. Equinox





View from Mt. Mansfield

Who, Me?

I remember the first time I wielded a sledge hammer. It was with Sam and Darcy, making crush for the turnpike at Little Rock Pond. I can still recall the stiffening pain the following morning. The first time I went backpacking, I turned around. This year, I led my first trail crew. After several months on a peer crew, I worked with Michael Trubman to lead an 8 week residential crew. In September, Priscilla Tanager and I teamed up for carpentry and rock work as leaders of an all women’s youth development crew. When our work was complete, I joined a select crew to finish projects before snow hit the ground. This post wouldn’t be complete without the mention of my exceptional supervisor, Hannah Clark.

My co.

A picture perfect crew.

East coast rockers.

Gettin’ down to business.

If the tool belt fits, wear it.

Scenes From The Past Life

The horse that said hello.

Garlic field, a little to the left.

Sun sets.

Over the hills and far away, again.

Barn door, closed.

Hickory Glass: Blowin’ Organic in Vermont

After taking home the first place in this year’s Pipe Classic, Hickory became the most famous neighbor I’ve ever had. A talented man, he is also a role model father, husband and carpenter!

Behind The Lens

Trophies and Stuff


All Done!

Last Days At Little Rock Pond

Reflection Inversion

Over The Hills And Far Away

She’s So Natural

Farming Should Be Fair

Dear Mr. Welch, You have been a true leader through your representation of Vermont’s voice of the people. Please continue to support our liberties and economy by discouraging the implementation of Secure Communities methods which are very similar to profiling techniques once widely practiced in classrooms, especially in states such as Colorado and California. Many thanks.

Visiting Friends and Farms

Big Egg at Earth Sky Time Farm, Manchester VT

The Pond at Rochester Folk Art Guild, Middlesex NY

Pea Flower at Two Dog Farm, Danby VT

Farm Field in Danby, VT